Seriously. Girls... I have found the best cleaning potion! I've been skeptical for some time, but I put it to the test today!
Please excuse the disgusting stains. This bathtub is ancient. Our house was built in the early 1800s. You get the picture.
I scrubbed a small patch as a comparison.
The magical potion!
1 part Dawn dish soap and 1 part vinegar!
I let it sit for about an hour and scrubbed away! I sprayed it a bit more and left it overnight. I scrubbed it over once more and it was white as snow! I know this sounds like a lot of scrubbing, but remember that my bathtub is as old as Methuselah!
It was beautiful.
Here's the link to the original blog. Her bathtub before and after was impressive!
Fantastic! Vinegar is the cure all. I'll have to share the link I found about it (: